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Drink prepared by Avi Mann at Palermos in Blue Bell, PA. 2016Prepared by Chef Malik Ali at Restaurant Neuf in Philadelphia, PA. 2016Food prepared by Chef Nich Bazik at The Good King Tavern, Philadelphia. 2016Prepared by Chef Malik Ali at Restaurant Neuf in Philadelphia, PA. 2016Food prepared by Chef Lex Boonphaya at Circles in Philadelphia, PA. 2016Food prepared at Harp & Crown in Philadelphia, PA. 2016Food prepared at Vedge in Philadelphia, PA. 2016Prepared by Chef Malik Ali at Restaurant Neuf in Philadelphia, PA. 2016Drink prepared by Avi Mann at Palermos in Blue Bell, PA. 2016Food Prepared by Chef Kris Servis and Ari Miller at The Blue Duck. 2016Food Prepared by Chef Kris Servis and Ari Miller at The Blue Duck. 2016